Product Description
Lemon verbena (Aloysia citrodora) is a flowering shrub native to South America. Its leaves and flowering tops are used in foods, drinks, and medicine.
Here are some of the potential health benefits of lemon verbena ¹ ² ³:
– Aid in weight loss: Studies have shown that lemon verbena can help reduce appetite by affecting certain hormones that control appetite.
– Strengthen muscles: Lemon verbena has been shown to have antioxidant properties that can help decrease muscle damage during exercise.
– Reduce inflammation: Studies have shown that lemon verbena can help reduce joint pain and aid in faster recovery for joint-related injuries.
– Boost immunity: Studies have connected lemon verbena to lower oxidative stress levels and better overall health of the body.
– Aid in digestion: Lemon verbena tea has been traditionally used to relieve stomach issues and indigestion.
– Reduce fevers: Lemon verbena has been used to break fevers and speed up the healing process for those suffering from inflammatory illnesses.
– Relieve anxiety: The antioxidant compounds found in lemon verbena can have an impact on the hormonal balance in the body, which can help ease the mind and calm the body.
– Help treat congestion: Lemon verbena tea can loosen up congestion in the respiratory tracts and help eliminate the phlegm and mucous in that system.
– Combat staph infections: Studies have shown that lemon verbena can inhibit the development of Staphylococcus aureus.
– Prevent obesity: Studies have shown that lemon verbena may be able to aid in the prevention of obesity.
– Help with sleep: Lemon verbena may be beneficial for those with sleep problems, including insomnia.
– Be suitable for diabetes: Lemon verbena has been used in traditional medicine to treat diabetes.
– Be beneficial for acid reflux: Lemon verbena has been used to ease digestive problems like acid reflux, gas and constipation.
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